Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Warden Is Napping And The Inmates Are Running The Asylum

I have no interest in men, great or small. My interest is in Man. Man, the potential. Man, the god. Man, the magician, the creator. Men have created a culture of death and destruction. Men choose to slaughter all they perceive, to conquer, to obliterate. Man chooses nothing but life eternal in each and every moment. Man ignores the mumbling, grumbling brain and follows the wisdom of the heart, the impulse of love. In this day and age one can hardly say the word love without being scorned. Why is this? It is because men fear love more than they fear death. They choose to live in the shadow of death rather than to step into the universe of love – which is the universe of acceptance, tolerance, non-judgment, in short, the universe of song. If we could sing like birds, and we can if we would so choose, we could then fly, as well, and lay tiny spotted eggs that burst into things of such beauty that they cannot in this day and age even be imagined. Imagine a thing that cannot be imagined, in short, a universe of gods and goddesses. A universe of no time, no age, and no limit. Can you see it? It’s right here before our very eyes if we choose only to look.

With each death there occurs a universe of birth. And the first breath of each new born universe becomes the wind of all Creation. To fear death is to fear life. To deny death is to deny one’s very existence. Death, which is to say transformation, is the lynch pin of new, expanded life – a new universe of light, a new Sun, a new spark of creation. The fear of death  is why our so called culture is inhabited by a writhing mass of zombies, bodies without life, spirits  without souls. To attempt to “repair” this culture of zombies is an impossibility at best and the deepest form of insanity at the worst. So what, if anything, is there to do? Live! Life is the only alternative to a culture of death. And life is a personal choice, independent and separate from any form of cultural system. A true Man needs no system, in fact IS the system, the only system of salvation.